Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Pregnancy Journey

erk! ok i am going to start my pregnancy journey as i promise.. hehe.

1st trimester

during this first trimester, refer to my previous entry (here); i had a very bad morning sickness and problem to eat. (this blog is meant to me and only me, or you my find it upside down, use of two languages bahasa melayu and english in each entry ;p) i barely can eat rice based food as the baby wont allow me to eat, and guess what this little pumpkin lovesssss to eat western food. hahahah.. it was like every alternate day i had to buy either pizza, lasagna, or home cook pasta (but i am aware of unhealthy fast food intake). baby tak suka makan lauk melayu, ikut genetik abah dia la ni. since i am aware that husband's family are more tolerate to western dish while my mama & papa tak reti sangat makan western ni. hehe..

i had my first check up at Medina Women Specialist Clinic when the fetus inside my womb was about 3 weeks. here is the first photo of my bun!

4D scan (Hello little nut)

The graph at the above picture is her heartbeat. Her heartbeat is totally fast (beat of a running man) anak mama penat yer main dalam tu. 

2nd Trimester

Entering second trimester is becoming more comfortable as most mother would say. Eating behavior is getting more and more toward the 3rd pregnancy. baby is now able to accept other than western food. makan tengah hari pun sudah boleh makan nasi berlauk dan makan 5 - 7 kali sehari, mulut tak berhenti mengunyah. kadang kala makan seorang diri kerana diriku ini tidak tahan akan kelaparan yang sering kali menjelma. Belum waktu rehat, aku dah turun makan kat restoran di bawah ofis. kalau nak tunggu pukul 1 memang tidak mampu untuk aku tunggu. makan seorang lagi la jawabnya. pernah bebrapa ketika aku makan seorang diri di kompleks beli-belah hanya kerana aku ingin makan di restoran 'chicken rice shop' seorang pun seorang la, janji idaman aku dan kandunganku ditunaikan. haha!

Little pumpkin at her 5th months (if i was not mistaken)

mummy's tummy at 6 months

3rd Trimester

Entering third trimester is the best time ever, everything went smoothly and at this trimester i was excited for baby to reach 38 weeks as i was told by my gynea that 38 weeks - embrio's lung is strong and ready for outside womb. yeyayyy! happy mummy.

7th or 8th month old little pumkin!!

During my second trimester when i was about 4 month pregnant, Dr.Marsita (My Gynea) told it was a boy (yes we did buy some baby boy's stuff to get ready) and when it turns to 8 month old embrio, Dr.marsita acknowledge it is a girl! haaaaaaa??!! she said "have you buy  baby boy's stuff?" we were like "YESS!!" lolololo.. hahahahah. Nevermind, as long as the baby come out healthy, Thanks Ya Allah! Alhamdulillah, Syukur. 

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